cutting programs to pay for rebuilding our Gulf Coast but they didn't care and the sky was the limit for rebuilding Iraq.
Tweety said (paraphrasing) "name one Democrat who wanted to pay for the Iraq funding".
Durbin didn't give or have an answer.
Arrggghh. That was what the entire "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap was about.
Kerry wanted to repeal the tax cut for the top 1% to pay for Iraq.
That was so friggin frustrating.
Let's make sure the media knows the Dems did want to pay for that funding so they will quite saying things that are patently false.'m sick of knowing more then the Government and the media "experts".
I also called Jim Leach's office to ask if he would vote for the discharge petition and for getting an Independent Commission. I had to explain to them what I was talking about. grrrr.