Met up with AngryDemocrat (aka Misty) on Monday morning, and we set off for Capitol Hill. We took the standard tour of the Capitol building, then set off to get gallery passes to see our government in action. Unfortunately, my camera batteries died before we finished our journey. So I don't have any pics of our trek to Misty's congressman's office (Harold Ford of TN), or to Joe Biden's office. But I took some pics of our trips to Kerry's and Kennedy's offices (Unfortunately, neither Senator was there. :( ), as well as some from the tour we took before that.
Washington Monument: (Ok, this one was actually taken the day of the march)
Washington Monument from the Capitol building:Library of Congress:Supreme Court:People praying against abortion in front of Supreme Court:Exterior of Capitol building:Aerial view of Capitol Hill:Interior views of Capitol Rotunda Dome:Me at the Capitol:Me and Misty at the Capitol:Several statues in the Capitol building. You may recognize some of these, but there are others that you probably won't:The Russell Senate office building, where both of my Senators' offices are:We made it Kerry's office: Of course, Kerry wasn't available. But I took pictures of some of the stuff on his walls. This wasn't too long before my camera batteries died:Went to Ted Kennedy's office. Of course, he was also unavailable. But I took a couple of pics in his office as well:We also visited Joe Biden's office, as well the office of a Dem Congressman from Misty's home state of TN, Harold Ford. But my camera batteries had died by then. And we were not allowed to take pics in the Senate or House galleries. :(