Ahm, I am just generally wonky. My kids find it very annoying. I just went to Open House at my son's high school (Senior, yes!) I was just beside myself at his classes. (Ooooh, your studying Beowolf. I love that poem. I have the last recording of that from...., ahm right, forgot. High School kid, cant' get excited about classes. Yah, I'll be over here in my geeky little corner reading. I promise not to get too excited about your physics class or your International Relations class okay? Geez, school and youth are wasted on the young. How can they not be insatiably curious, I asks ya.)
And, btw, I love talking to you. I live in a sort of bubble (as do we all when you come to think about it) up here in MA. It's enlightening and wonderful to talk to someone from another part of the country and really learn what is going on outside of my 'bubble.' Thanks for sharing and for helping me to learn too!