I was doing okay until this person started playing junion psychologist. Apparently he can't understand how heartbreaking going up against the right wing smear machine can be, esp. when you live in Freeperville like I do. Why, if some tubby little Hannity listener upset me by bouncing around and chanting flip flop would it mean that I secretly feared the tubby little Hannity listener was right.
AND this person won't admit he's getting his news from the Herald. Mmmm, KOOLADE!
I went over to the Huffington blog and gave HER a piece of my mind as well. Next they'll be calling him "Live Shot."
I've half a mind to dig up an article on Dean froom the Herald and post it over there as if it meant something.
Good GOD. I'm about ready to cry here.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/9/28/205650/362flippity flop (3.33 / 3)Sen. John F. Kerry back-pedalled on blistering criticism of the war in Iraq, conceding that ``progress'' has been made recently in the battle-scarred nation - despite what he termed continued failures by President Bush.
``There is some schedule showing what you (need) to do to get Iraqis standing up and defending themselves which is now suddenly beginning to happen, so there are some signs of progress,'' Kerry said during a 30-minute speech at the Park Plaza Hotel. ``The only way we're going to be successful there - and ultimately, success is going to have to be somewhat redefined - is to create sufficient stability to get the troops home.''
He later added while speaking to reporters: ``The Iraqi forces are improving somewhat. Whether it's enough to hold the line is obviously a very serious question.''
While acknowledging gains, Kerry called the war ``deeply troubled'' and said he is working on a timetable for a troop pullout.
``I want us to be successful. We all in America want it. Our troops are doing an incredible job. They deserve better choices in support of them,'' he said.
by debraz on Wed Sep 28th, 2005 at 19:47:21 CSTunadulterated disgust (4.00 / 2)that "flip flop" shit makes me want to puke. if you want to parrott GOP talking points take theselves to some other goddamn site. i don't give a fuck if you think they're accurate or not. goddammit... seeing this shit from 'progressives' enrages me....
by Hounds on Wed Sep 28th, 2005 at 21:19:43 CSTThank you (none / 0)And that's exactly what it is, or they wouldn't be using EXACTLY those words.
And I suppose we all still believe that Al Gore said he invented the internets.
(stage whisper) and you know, that Dean fellow is supposed to be a waffler...
The memory of a tubby co-worker bouncing around me, literally bouncing around, going "flip, flop, flip, flop, flip, flop" still makes me go red in the face with anger.
I tried to deal with it with humor this time. But the last thing any of us needs is RW talking points on our own damn side.
by Kerrycrat on Wed Sep 28th, 2005 at 21:25:12 CSTRed in the face with anger? (none / 0)THAT is my friend what we call a clue. Your anger is a sign that YOU believe it holds some truth, otherwise, you'd be unphased, or maybe even laugh.
by debraz on Thu Sep 29th, 2005 at 06:06:29 CSTQuoting from the Boston Herald might also (none / 0)be considered a "clue."
But let's assume you know my mind better than I do, arrogant though that may be. Let's see, when else did I get red in the face other than at the sight of a fat man bouncing up and down and taunting me. Hmm.
Well there was the time the local DJs started singing "B-Double-E-Double-R-U-N" in reference to Max Cleland. Hmm. So I guess, deep down, I suspected that Max didn't deserve respect for his service. Assuming you're right, of course.
And then there was the whole Swift Boat thing. So I must have suspected that Kerry really didn't earn his medals.
But I still find it MORE interesting that you consider a Right Wing rag a suitable source from which to quote. Very interesting, indeed.
by Kerrycrat on Thu Sep 29th, 2005 at 15:27:38 CST Courtesy of HuffPo (none / 0)if that's "right wing rag" enough for you.
Yes, believe it or not, no one or nothing can "make" anyone angry - including you. It's your emotion, you own it. You can pull a Brownie, and do a heck of a job blaming whoever you wish. If that "makes" you feel less angry.
Funny thing about anger. In the end, it's always about lil' old you.
by debraz on Thu Sep 29th, 2005 at 17:31:37 CSTYou didn't quote Huffington's Blog (none / 0)You got the link from Huffington's Blog, then quoted from the Boston Herald.
Shame on both of you for taking the word of Boston's answer in print to "Fox News." Gee, the Right Wing media isn't noted for pulling things out of context or anything.
As for the rest of your post, I have no idea what that has to do with anything in particular. Didn't blame anyone. Just pointing out where you get your news.
And also that your attempt at Junior Psychology was woefully inept.
Kindly remove your head from your ass, and stop agreeing with the Right Wing just because it happens to be Kerry they're talking about.
Would you quote them if they had something negative to say about Dean or Clark or anyone else? How about Dennis. I'm sure they love Dennis.
by Kerrycrat on Thu Sep 29th, 2005 at 19:42:23 CST