I wrote this a while ago, but in light of a couple posts and blog pieces today, I'll repost it.
From the moment John Kerry became the clear winner of the Democratic primary, he led in the polls. He led in the polls in the early spring, through the selection of John Edwards as Vice President, through the convention, and through most of the month of August. Despite the media’s incessant claim that there was no convention bounce, Kerry was ahead in the polls in August from 1 to 8 points, across the board. Don’t believe me? It’s on the internets, take a look. Be sure and take a look at the Bush bounce as well, outside of the Time/Newsweek poll, Bush had the same 1 to 8 point lead after the RNC convention.
So what happened to that consistent lead? With the signing of Form 180 and the release of Kerry’s Navy records, many are giving credit to the lies and smears of the Swift Boat Vets. Despite the fact that John O’Neill hasn’t stopped making these outlandish statements since 1971, somehow people think that the release of the exact same Navy records that Kerry had on his web site would have appeased these weasels. Just today, the Boston Globe (Kerry's Vietnam, see Ron's post above) has repeated the canard that “Kerry’s failure to respond” damaged the campaign.
But is Kerry’s “failure to respond” any more accurate than the lack of a convention bounce? I don’t see it.
On August 4, the Swift Boat Vets released a new ad, after having been knocked down by the campaign in May. From Media Matters, “in an August 5 interview with the Associated Press, Senator John McCain (R-AZ), "a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, called the ad criticizing John Kerry's military service 'dishonest and dishonorable' and urged the White House on Thursday to condemn it as well."
Between August 4 and August 19, Cutter said the campaign relied on the news media, surrogates and 700 letters to the editor to discredit the charges, including Carville taking on O’Neill on Crossfire on August 12.
On August 19 at the IAFF convention, Kerry stated "They're a front for the Bush campaign. And the fact that the president won't denounce what they're up to tells you everything you need to know: he wants them to do his dirty work.” After noting the Navy records that awarded him his medals, he added "Thirty years ago, this was the plain truth. It still is. And I still carry the shrapnel in my leg from a wound in Vietnam.”
The campaign releases Rassmann ad, "All these Viet Cong were shooting at me. I expected I'd be shot. When he pulled me out of the river, he risked his life to save mine."
On August 21, the campaign released the internet ad “Old Tricks” along with this statement: “A front group for the Bush campaign called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" is continuing to spread their lies about John Kerry's military record. Their statements have been contradicted by official Navy records, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune and every man who served under John Kerry -- yet George Bush refuses to condemn their tactics. Through his silence, George Bush is approving their action. And Bush campaign officials in Florida are even promoting events for this front group.
Enough is enough. No matter what these Bush campaign shills now say, John Kerry's commanders remarked in 1969 that, "In a combat environment often requiring independent, decisive action, LTJG Kerry was unsurpassed." In fact, all of John Kerry's performance reports (available on our website) display an absolutely heroic record of service.”
On August 25, Max Cleland attempted to deliver a letter to George Bush asking “where is his shame to attack a fellow veteran who has distinguished himself in combat?"
So, why did Senator Kerry’s numbers begin to fall AFTER he launched his attack against the Swift Boat Vets. Interestingly, The American Enterprise magazine has this opinion “The media establishment finally took notice when Senator Kerry attacked you publicly on August 19.” O’Neill agreed.
I don’t know whether that’s true or not. I do know one thing though. As I was going through liberal blogs to find the references for this post, two things were noticeably missing. One was any reference to the agenda Kerry was laying out, which is a story for another day.
But the most important thing that was missing was gut level righteous indignation. What I should have seen was “We have sunk so low in this country that we are willing to denigrate a man’s war service, simply because he is a Democrat. Anybody who would do that isn’t worth the shrapnel in John Kerry’s ass.”
That’s all we should have heard then, that’s all we ought to hear now. Some things are sacred and a soldier’s honorable war service to our country is one of them.