Edited on Sat Dec-04-04 05:05 PM by angrydemocrat
As we have seen on the other forums people are really pissed at the DNC right now. There are many of them getting calls for donations and they are refusing to help the DNC for anything other than voter fraud. If something doesn't get done to solve this problem and quick we are all going to be in trouble in the upcoming elections. This talk is not only on DU it is on other websites as well. This is a major problem we have brewing here.
In some respects I can understand and others I cannot. What I do understand is the anger that the democratic party is so hush hush. And when I say this I'm referring to the other democratic senators such as Clinton, Biden, Harkin, Boxer, and one of the most surprizing is Kennedy. Where are they? Why are they not pissed over what is happening? Why are they not supporting Kerry and the American people? Why are they just trying to brush this under the rug like nothing has happen? Why are they hiding from this like a bunch of chickenhawks?
Because let's face it if the other democratic senators would come out and speak up on behalf of Kerry and the American people if they was out there fighting for Kerry and the American people we would have all the media we could need, things would be moving along alot faster than they are, and it would show the other side democrats refuse to allow them to destroy democracy and violate voters rights. But where are they? Some are telling us to shut up and move on. When are we going to make them do there part? Because let's face it friends this is a battle that can be won and has to be won but if Kerry and his supporters have to do it alone it will take alot longer than it should and we have no time to waste. Especially if we plan on getting the real elected president in office.
So why are all the other Democratic leaders unwilling to help Kerry and us? What do we do to get them off there ass and fighting for our rights and supporting and helping their fellow senator and colleague? It is unreal how they are turning their back on us and Kerry. And what really pisses me off everytime Kerry does something you have some of them getting pissed at him. One example is the campaign funds there were several at the DNC pissed and running their mouth until he finally turned over the majority. Then when he gave 250,000 to the governors race in Washington I heard some even got pissed over that. So what is up with these other democratic leaders? Why all at once the sudden cold shoulder to Kerry? So many on the other forums are trying to blame all this on Kerry and think about it do yo really think it is all Kerry. I know I sure don't In fact I'm getting pissed at the other dem leaders for being the assholes they are becoming lately.
So what do you think? What do you think we should do about this if anything? Sorry for the long post.