Yesterday I spent some time in the other forums, and you know how it goes: "Kerry betrayed us!" "Kerry is a loser!" whine whine whine. No, they don't make me cry, because I know better. I know they are ignorant and wrong. The ignorance makes me a bit sad and discouraged, though.
But here is my point: John Kerry, if he did nothing more for the rest of his days, has already done plenty! He owes us nothing--we Kerrycrats know all he's done in service of this country, and the whole world, all of his life--I don't need to list it here. He's in the history books already; he's lived a life to be proud of!
And even though he didn't attain the presidency (this time), we know he's going to keep on working. But even that isn't the main thing that interests me. What I expect him to do in the future isn't what it's all about with me. It's not about what he has done or will do specifically for people like me. It is the inspiring example he sets for all of us.
This is what true leaders do--they lead by setting an example, and inspiring their followers. He's not the only one, but he is definitely a natural leader--he has high ideals and firmly-set values that he relies on as his moral compass. He has shown us this year what is important, what ideals we can and should strive for. He instills in us an optimistic hope for a future America and the world that is better. We catch that optimism and are inspired. We see how he never gives up on what is important to him, and want to be that way too.
Some people want to sit back and wait for, and even demand that others fix everything for them! They complain loudly when the leader doesn't do everything they want, the way they want or expect. Don't they see that the leader is a leader because he actually knows more than they do? That maybe his judgement is better? That he is far more able to decide the best course of action? That's why we have true leaders in the first place--because they know things we don't, and have abilities superior to ours! (this doesn't apply to all people in authoriy--a leader is someone you have chosen to follow)
I think it was Ghandi who said you have to "become the world you want" --each one of us has to live so that we do our little part to make the world the way we believe it should be. John Kerry is one who does this--all the time, in any way he can. He never gives up. So I try to use that example and look at my own life and think, yes, I can do better. I can be more unselfish, patient, kind, useful to others. I can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I can look beyond my own immediate interests, and become one small part of what is right about the world. I think of John Kerry as a role model, and I want to be a member of his "team" and do my part, however small, in helping make this world better for everyone.
I choose to be inspired.