DL Hughley was awesome during the campaign.
BROWN: So are you voting for John Kerry? Are you voting against the president? Where are you on that?
HUGHLEY: I'm very clearly voting for John Kerry. I am. I'm very -- you know, to me, I have a hard time voting for a dude that I'm pretty sure I could beat in a spelling bee.
So you know, it's funny because I was watching the last debates, and all of the people were going, "Well, you know, Bush, that's not his format. He's not a good public speaker."
This is a rich white dude who went to Yale. He didn't go to Compton College. If -- if a rich white dude who went to Yale doesn't have command of the English language, he's lazy. That's the deal. He didn't have to walk through a gang-infested neighborhood to do that, just walk past the servants and go to school.
So I think that -- that tells me about the -- the guy who I think he is.
BROWN: Here's what's unsettling for me. I am reasonably sure, because I believe the spell checker was the greatest invention of the last century, that he can beat me in a spelling bee.
HUGHLEY: No, I'm sure. This dude blow up everything he can't spell. How do you spell "Baghdad?" Boom! "That's how you spell it."
I mean, you know, I -- I joked because that's my gig. But I think, also, really I'm not pleased with the way I've seen the country go. I think that this election is -- as it is for all incumbent presidents -- a referendum on what we've seen.
You know, everybody likes to say what would John Kerry do? I can't know that. I don't have a crystal ball, as I'm sure many political pundits do. But I do know what George Bush has done.
And almost every promise he's made to us has -- has -- he constantly asks Kerry how can you trust a man who you don't know where he stands? Well, how can you trust a man who everything which he tells us turns out to be wrong?
So I think that there is the opposite side of the coin, also.