Glenn Greenwald discusses in today's post how they did it in 2004 and how they plan to continue:
Noonan gave a hint of what is to come this year by claiming that GOP's pro-Catholic approach stands "n contrast to the insult offered Catholics by the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee" (meaning opposition to Sam Alito's nomination), and then spat out this religiously exploitive claim, which we are going to be hearing a lot more of:
Because we aren't wanted in the Democratic Party. Oh, sure, the Democrats will take a "Catholic" who essentially denies his faith - like a Kennedy or Kerry - and comes out against core Catholic morality on issues such as abortion, but let there be a Catholic who takes his faith seriously, and the Democrats want nothing to do with him.
There you have it: Democrats hate real Catholics who believe in Catholicism rather than just pretending to believe in it. The only place for real Catholics is the Republican Party. And the media has clearly internalized this theme. To them, the notion that any Democrat could possibly claim to be Catholic is just so very hilarious and absurd. Everyone knows that all real Christians are Republicans and that any Democrat claiming to be religious -- like John Kerry, or Bill Clinton -- is just doing that because he knows that it will be politically helpful, not because he's genuinely religious. That's just obvious.
The reason why it is so nonsensical that this tactic works -- and so infuriating that Republicans are allowed to get away with this -- is because scores of Republican policies, including their most prominent ones, are plainly contrary to Catholic doctrine and have been vigorously condemned both by John Paul II and by the current Pope. Those policies could not be any more anti-Catholic.
I think most Democrats prefer not to mix politics with religion at all--but the RNC has no such scruples. Any future Dem candidate is going to have to address it somehow.
I noticed JK's comments on the recent Larry King show, where he did not shy away from spiritual references. I do believe he was totally sincere and that it was totally appropriate in that context. But I also think maybe he sees now that you have to be more open about your faith, now that the other side has made religion fair game.