They have taken the angry post 2000 Gore speeches as the 2000 campaign and ignored Gore's entire pre- 2002 life. I almost wonder if the "Gore" they currently support isn't a stand in for the leader who represents their own frustration and alienation from the government.
That Gore was a very solid, conservative Democrat who was an insider's insider - he also was the "good" son - who went to Vietnam (partially to help his dad) and into politics, at least partially to live up to family expectations. The odd thing is that many of his fans now likely would have not been thrilled with him during any of his early runs for the Presidency, when he was VP and in 2000.
He is genuinely outraged, as are most Democrats looking at the last 5 years. If he were going to run though he would need to temper the anger and outrage with hope and some optimism that thigs could be fixed even now. The anger and outrage play only to the fringe - others will agree with the condemnation of Bush co, but will want something positive to follow.