Innovation and Competitiveness Legislation
Full Committee Hearing
Wednesday, March 15 2006 - 2:30 PM - D-562
Webcast: Click here to view a live webcast of this hearing. The Senate Commerce Committee has scheduled a Full Committee hearnig on Innovation and Competitiveness Legislation for Wednesday, March 15 at 2:30p.m. in room 562 of the Dirksen Building. This hearing will discuss innovation and competitiveness challenges facing the United States and explore legislative action that can be taken by the Commerce Committee to address these challenges.
Senator John Ensign (R-Nev.) will preside. (Senator John Kerry is Dem Ranking Member of this sub-committee.)
The scheduled witnesses are:
Panel 1:
Dr. Craig Barrett
Chairman of Board, Intel Corporation
Mr. Norman Augustine
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (Retired), Lockheed Martin Corporation
Dr. John E. Kelly, III
Senior Vice President of Technology and Intellectual Property, IBM Corporation
Ms. Deborah Wince-Smith
President, Council on Competitiveness
This is about getting some legislation out of that sub-committee on Innovation and Competition. Sen. Kerry is Ranking Member on the sub-committee and this is sort of a signature issue for him. I bet he shows.