But, he needs to go off into a cave for a while, talk with some great minds on the subject, and come up with a new vision that is simple for the American people to understand. Simple does NOT mean unintelligent, but full of wisdom. That vision should include:
1. Provide for an exit strategy from Iraq that leaves Iraqis better off than they were under Saddam Hussein (damnit, if our guys our dying then we should do this thing right instead of the half ass way * is doing it)
2. Talk about how me must carry out our struggle against violent Islamic extremism and that includes helping our friends in Europe and seeking out a dialogue with more moderate Muslims throughout the world. Also, should include going after terrorist financing and homeland security.
3. A comprehensive plan to deal with nuclear proliferation including what to do with Iran and North Korea, as well as with what Khan from Pakistan did.
4. Oil dependency and global warming. It is unacceptable that the U.S. is not the leader of the world on this issue. Come up with a plan that can ease our reliance on oil as well as, in partnership with business and the global community, reduce carbon emissions.
Now here's the kicker. He needs to come up with one theme that unites the above 4 points. He also needs to stop hemming and hawing about Iraq and stop trying to please every faction of the Dem party. He never got along with the radical leftist anti-war people in the 70s, and they'll never like him, so he should write them off to Feingold and capture the sensible liberal center of the party, who were against the war as it was conducted but feel horrible about leaving a country in a total mess of our creation. I realize many of you won't agree with my assessment of his approach to Iraq, but I will radically say that his main mistake was voting against the $87 billion Iraq bill, NOT the IWR vote. The IWR vote was about holding Saddam Hussein accountable for alleged WMD that most of the world (and even the Iraqi military) thought he had. It was * who rushed to war, in complete defiance of the spirit of the IWR . The only way to win in Iraq is to realize that there is a constituency there -- the Iraqi people. When you have 136,000 troops in a country, it's not exactly a full democracy. But we need to figure out what the Iraqi people want (not just the majority Shiite government) and start respecting that and region by region, stay or go, depending on those sentiments. Iraq is not black and white. Every region is different. Sure, the Iraqis want us gone; they're being shot at by us, after all, but they also don't want to live under terrorist rule like that town in the north in the Anwar province that was literally imprisoned in their homes by al Qaeda. Acknowledging that Iraq is not one monolithic country but has different areas with different views will make the place more understandable, and will make stability a very real possibility. I have no doubt in my mind that the majority of Iraqi people do NOT want civil war.
Okay, this is long, but you get my drift. I want TOTAL vision and leadership from John Kerry, that MOST Americans will feel compelled to respond to with the exception of the extreme right and left, whose dogma should be mocked and ignored.