I'm really getting upset
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Thu Mar-16-06 10:32 PM
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about e-mail
I'm getting e-mail from every Democrat and organization on the planet except JK.
How can I get this problem fixed.
On a brighter note: I just made a donation to KAP, for all Kerry does.
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Thu Mar-16-06 11:50 PM
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I had a problem with Verizon. I wasn't getting a confirmation for a blog I kept signing up for. I had to log on to my verizon account and alter spam settings. It could be case where you provider is blocking it as spam mail.
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Fri Mar-17-06 06:57 AM
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I did that. I'm going to try to alert to send another message to my provider and the contact the two PAC sites.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:00 AM
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