must be an answer to the column: Dean was right on Iraq. The writer is so right.
Kerry took right stand from the start
Before the last presidential election, Republicans criticized U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) for saying that the United States was fighting the wrong war at the wrong time in Iraq, and that we should work more closely with our allies through the United Nations.
Well, look at the mess we are in today. There seems to be no end to the war in Iraq. Hatred of America, and especially President Bush, has increased throughout the world.
Saddam Hussein, we were told, had to be removed because he had weapons of mass destruction to use against us and he was murdering thousands of his citizens--- but look at the number of Iraqis killed since Bush led a coalition invasion of Iraq, not to mention the number of American troops and citizens killed and wounded and the billions of dollars added to the deficit.
All we needed to do about Iraq was to tighten and enforce the embargo that was in place, and Saddam would have been contained and eventually overthrown by a combination of world opinion and his own people. History will prove that Kerry's stance on Iraq was the correct one.