Let's see, they could run on their great and wonderful improvement to the Medicare D(isaster) program. Ah, on second thought, maybe they shouldn't do that.
They could run on their great War in Iraq and how all the happy Iraqis are just jumping at the sight of all the good Americans and shaking their hands and giving out flowers and, ahm, okay, maybe not.
They could run on the great economy and how all that outsourcing has been so good for the bottom line and the well-being and sense of security of American workers. Hmmm, that one might not play either, come to think of it.
They could run on 'Honesty and Integrity in Government.' Maybe have Scooter Libby or Chad Allen on a poster somewhere. AHm, again, probably not. How about a nice plank in the agenda on how great that Terry Schiavo thing went. "Health care for all Terminal coma patients, I'm telling ya, it's a winner." Ahm, again, I don't think it's going to play.
I know, they could run on their extreme competence in handling emergencies and how all the little Rethugs couldn't wait to reconvene Congress and pass emergency funding for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. And how they rushed, just rushed money to the Small Business Admin to help out all the little people who were so devastated by the storm. Ah, right, not so good.
What do they have left to run on? We amended the Bankruptcy Laws. According to the latest surveys this mainly applied to people with catastrophic health bills, people who have lost everything in natural disaster and people who have lost their jobs to the aforementioned efficiencies of outsourcing. Yeah, now there's a winnah! Vote Rethug -- We don't friggin care!
Sigh! All they have left are the dark, twisted corners of the Rethug brain that make up these awful lies about Dems and spread them about via their slug-like rodent helpers. (Hey, O'Neill and Corsi aren't particularly busy. Why don't they phone up Satan and see if he can spare them for a few days. It could count towards their evil pension fund plan in hell.)