I've been out of town for a few days, so tell me if this is old news. Edited to add a primal scream. :banghead: Sorry I'm back.
http://www.workingforchange.com/activism/action.cfm?itemid=20513&afccode=n35lk1 Senators Kennedy & Kerry: If Bill Clinton Deserved Censure, So Does George Bush
Back in 1999, Senators Kennedy & Kerry co-sponsored a resolution to censure President Clinton for his conduct in the Lewinsky affair. Now, Senator Feingold of Wisconsin has introduced a resolution in the Senate to censure President Bush over his illegal wiretapping program. Unfortunately, Senators Kennedy & Kerry have not yet come out in support of this resolution -- a position that seems deeply hypocritical.
Click here to tell Senators Kennedy & Kerry to be consistent and censure President Bush for his illegal conduct.
While deplorable from a moral standpoint, President Clinton's actions did not deprive Americans of their civil liberties. On the other hand, President Bush has openly violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act as well as the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution. Bush lied to the public on several occasions about his warrantless wiretapping program -- and it's recently been revealed that the program may include warrantless physical searches as well.
Tell Senators Kennedy & Kerry: Warrantless searches are a serious offense, deserving of censure.
Congress simply must hold the President accountable in this case. If it abdicates this duty, the governmental system of checks and balances crafted by our nation's founders has effectively been thrown out the window -- and we will have taken a very big step down the road to dictatorship.
Tell Senators Kennedy & Kerry: If President Clinton deserved censure, so does President Bush.
Then, please forward this newsletter to everyone you know in Massachusetts to help spread the word and bring serious pressure on Senators Kennedy & Kerry to do the right thing!
Thank you for working to build a better world.
Will Easton
ActForChange.com/ Working Assets
I know I'm probably the only one who feels this way, but I am sick of being asked to micromanage my senators. I do my job well. I trust them to do theirs well, too, without me nagging at them every step of the way. If my senators were Tom Coburn or Li'l Ricky S I'd take great pleasure in making their lives miserable.
If JK and Teddy feel the censure is the right way to go, I'm all for them. If they don't, then I believe they probably have a real good reason for their position, and I'm willing to wait to hear what it is.
That is all. x(