We have faced challenges before, as Democrats, and there were always people to pick up the torch and carry on.
A Message From ADA President Jim McDermott
In January 1947, when John Kenneth Galbraith, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hubert Humphrey, Reinhold Niebuhr and 200 other activists gathered together to form Americans for Democratic Action, they faced challenging times. The gains of the New Deal were threatened and a rampant anti-communist vitriol was emerging that would climax under Wisconsin's Senator Joe McCarthy leadership in the coming years.
The activists who gathered in Washington then were a determined group. They knew the challenges they faced but they were ready and willing to "light a candle rather than curse the darkness." The founding statement they issued declared that where individuals are faced with hardship and the fear of war, "political freedom may all too easily be compromised and deformed." "Demagogues," they said, "will step in and offer security in exchange for a liberty that has lost its meaning."
The results portend a difficult future for liberals, yet we rise today, on November 3, to say that - like ADA's founders - we are a determined group. Yes, as our founders stated, "Liberalism is a demanding faith." But, we are ready to meet its demands.
Beginning today, we will fight the battles we know will confront us over the next few years to preserve our constitutional rights. We must declare loudly that we are liberals and cede no territory to the forces of bigotry. This year, we fought on jobs, the economy and the war on terror. We will continue that battle with all our strength and we will declare that civil liberties and civil rights are the hallmark of a great democracy. We will look ahead to November 2006 and begin laying the groundwork for a victory that we know can be ours.
Despite the odds, we will fight judicial nominees who think their personal, extremist ideology trumps the law. We will fight the fights we fought this year and we will remind people that we are unwilling to exchange a spurious security for a "liberty that has lost its meaning." Those who would strip others of their basic rights must and will be confronted and we will do so unflinchingly.
We ask you to take only a few minutes to lick your wounds. And, we ask each and every one of you to join us in the fight for the future.
Liberalism is, indeed, a demanding faith. It's a challenge - with your help and support - we will meet.
Fight on,
Jim McDermott
ADA President
http://www.adaction.org/Sorry if I've posted this before, but it is very meaningful to me in light of the fact that a few of us chose www.lightupthedarkness.org before we'd ever seen this. We have to keep moving forward, lighting candles along the way.