to a nasty Kerry item:
Feel better now?
Submitted by luckydog on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 7:50am.
This 3 part screed was like a good belch -- it undoubtedly made Garlock feel better but it doesn't do much for anyone else. Almost everything he says about Kerry's record is open to debate and alternative interpretation. Anyone still interested might check out this less "spun" rundown of his military record: might also do a google on William Rood and Kerry. Rood was the commander of another Swift boat operating with Kerry's, so unlike the vast majority of these armchair Kerry-killers he actually saw what went on and does not rely on hearsay and Internet echo chambers. Rood, now an editor at some newspaper, I believe, has said little about these issues but broke his silence in a written piece a while back.
Note to Cal: maybe next you can find someone to do a nice 5-parter on Dick "other priorities" Cheney and his wartime activities.
At this site: