1. Pretend you are a book. You are going to be given as a gift to JK or THK.... So...What book are you and are you Jk's gift or THK's gift?
I'd like to be a journal for JFK to write his thoughts in. For sure, I'd be privy to his innermost thoughts and secrets then. And his handwriting is most attractive. I'd have his signature all over my...pages.
2. You are hosting the Kerry's at your house. Who are the guests on the invite list?
I'd invite members of my family and a few friends who I would like to inspire to be more politically active.
3. What's on the menu? And what is desert?
It would be a buffet with a taco bar and sizzling fajitas. Desert: fried ice cream with chocolate sauce, of course!
4. Uh oh...you spent so much time cleaning up the house for the party and preparing things, but JK and THK arrive early and ring the door bell. You're standing there in your stinky sweats and cobwebs in your hair (you were really behind in your cleaing...shame on you!), not to mention the coffee stains on the teeth...So what are you going to do?
I'd answer the door and show them in. I'd probably make a joke about running behind and then I'd give them a quick tour of the cleanest areas before seating them in a comfortable spot with beverages. My daughter who would be there helping would have her baby girl there, so I would use my own family members as a diversion while I changed. I'd just say the heck with the house and enjoy the very special company.
5. Which animal best represents how you feel about JK or THK? (AND keep your minds CLEAN here!)
a. a tiger or doberman pincher
b. a pomeranian or a kitty cat (a lap dog or a little kitty---not even for you guys will I say a p.... cat)
c. an iguana
d. a giraffe
Ah, none of these seem to fit my estimation of either JK or THK. I have thought of JK as a race horse, the classiest horse in the race, but severely handicapped by a crooked handicapper. He reminds me of Man O'War.
6. Pretend JK wasn't already madly in love with THK and were free... (Yes, it does take a lot of imagination here...) JK has confided that he loves to see a woman who is so self-confident she dyes her hair a vibrant florescent purple/pink and who wears pumpkin-orange clothing with it. Would you dye your hair and buy some pumpkin orange clothing to get his attention?
In a word: no.
7. Similar scenario as above (#6) Jk is looking for a new instrument to play... You are an instrument. What instrument are you and tell us what you would say to get his attention.
A flute. What I'd say wouldn't be in words but in music: a siren song to entice him to play the mystical flute. Why a flute? It is a spiritual instrument and it is calming. It is used in Celtic and Native American music and is very tranquil but haunting. No more beautiful sound than a flute unless it is the sound of the wind itself.
8. JK or THK calls you and asks you to donate to a charity called, "Free the tarantulas". You personally think tracheal's shouldn't be free. (Their bite is deadly...you know?!) Do you donate to this charity? Why?
I'd be thinking it was strange to be sure, but I'd donate. Of all the people in the world whose judgement I don't trust, these two are on the short list of folks who do not make the first list.
9. You get to meet JK. (YEA!) BUT...he's standing there with food stuck between his teeth. What do you do?
I probably wouldn't even notice. This is JK, right. Nope, unless he had a tree trunk sticking out of his mouth, I'd never notice.
edit: Okay, it is huge and I do notice. In that case I just do that subtle, little tooth touch that universally means "check your teeth, dude." Then I'd smile and nod "okay" after he cleared the er, debris. This way nobody would over have to know and he wouldn't be embarassed. And it would be our little "secret."
10. JK and THK are environmentalists (as you already know.) But in the next life they're coming back as a tree. What kind of tree would they come back as?
Ah speaking of tree trunks... A redwood. They would want to replace one of the great Redwoods that have already been lost. And soon activists would chain themselves to their trunk in defiance of Republican plans to cut the trees down to make way for a SUPER WAL-MART!