NOT picking a fav now, just backing Dems in general, and then a big campaign after the Dem primary ---
From the Herald, though I think some of it is true despite that.
Kerry poised to step into gov race fray
By Kevin Rothstein
Monday, March 27, 2006
http://news.bostonherald.com/election2004/view.bg?articleid=132357Sen. John Kerry, derided as a pedigreed poodle by Republicans, is preparing to become a Democratic attack dog in the Bay State gubernatorial race, a maneuver also aimed at laying the groundwork for a possible presidential run in 2008.
“Expect Kerry to be on the stump,” one top Democratic source said.
Democrats are expecting Kerry to be a high-profile spokesman against Republican gubernatorial candidate Kerry Healey. His brother Cameron will be co-chairman of the Massachusetts Victory ’06 campaign committee, and state Dems hope John Kerry will help raise the $1 million they want to deliver to the winner of the Democratic primary to beat Healey and independent Christy Mihos, sources said.
If Democrats can deliver the goods, it could erase the huge advantage Republicans enjoyed in the 2002 governor’s race, when Shannon O’Brien emerged broke from a bruising primary to face the well-funded Mitt Romney.
Thank you Sentah. All hands on deck for this one, if you ask me. (And besides, wouldn't it be ever so nice to have a Dem Gov in Mass and in NH in '08. I'm just saying.) Oh, and it will be nice to see yuhz out on the stump for the Dems. Bring the red meat, please.
So, Mass folks, this should be fun!
BTW, anybody hanging out in the hometown office this summer should take note of this story. Hmmmmmmmm. BTW, I told yuhz I saw this at the DCI 3 weeks ago. (Cuz, I was right and I don't get to say that a lot.)