's a very respectful post, by a poster I haven't noticed before (but who's evidently been around there awhile), suggesting people to contact Kerry and ask him to use his email list to raise support for H.R. 550, an election reform bill sponsored by Rush Holt, that mandates a voter-verifed paper trail an random audits. Here's why he says we should ask Kerry to help:
Kerry's huge e-mail list allowed him to raise $250,000 in less than 24 hours for veterans running for Congress. Let's call on Senator Kerry to use that list to secure our elections. Urge him to send e-mails asking for support of HR 550, to amplify the lobby event on Capitol Hill next week, and raise awareness of election reform. Aren't you tired of the ignorance of most Democrats you know on the subject of election vulnerability? Kerry can wake up Democrats faster than anyone.
This bill is the one that seems to be most approved by election reform organizations. It has 168 cosponsors in the House, but there is no companion bill in the Senate.
Description of H.R.550 on thomas: list of active federal election verification legislation: do you all think?