James Webb was "liveblogging" at dailykos today, and I saw the thread shortly after he signed off. Still, since I have made numerous posts over there on pro-Webb threads reminding folks of that horrible editorial he wrote in Feb '04 where he slandered JK, I felt compelled to post directly to him. Perhaps he will read it, perhaps not. Perhaps he will care, perhaps not.
Anyway, would anyone who has a dailykos userid please "recommend" the comment - assuming, of course, that you agree - because the more people that recommend it, the more of an indication to Webb that this is something he should address.
Here's the link:
http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2006/3/30/173556/216/118#c118To recommend, click the radio button to the left of "Recommend" at the bottom of the post.
For what it's worth, here is what I wrote:
I am sorry I missed you. (0 / 0)
I would like to ask this question of you directly.
Here is how I phrased it to Senator Bob Kerrey:
http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2006/3/28/21724/6057/51#c51The post concerns your USA Today editorial of February 18, 2004, where you totally mischaracterized John Kerry's 1971 Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony - in the same manner that was later used in anti-Kerry ads by the Swift Liars.
Did you read Kerry's testimony before writing that hit piece? If so, it appears that you did not understand it. I can only infer that your false statements came from a recollection distorted by the natural dimming of memory over the passage of time, and concurrent exposure to right-wing propaganda. I cannot imagine that you could read that testimony in good faith today, and still honestly believe that Kerry actually said what you claimed in your editorial.
I would like to know if you have regretted writing that editorial; if not, would you please reconsider, and carefully re-read the 1971 testimony.
I am just a common person writing on a blog. I have no idea what if any weight Senator Kerry or yourself might apply to this instance of "just words" that were written "over 2 years ago" and some consider "past history"; but to many of us who care about that period in history and its relation to our own, and the role of heroes like John Kerry, the pain is still raw, and without reconciliation of this issue, your candidacy for any office is unworthy of support; indeed, to see any Democrat support you is more like a knife in the heart.
However, I know that for at least some of us, the problem is reconcilable. You made a mistake; humans do that. If you can see that, then I hope you will publicly admit that you were wrong, and make such amends with Senator Kerry as you can, if only by a simple, private apology. I may be wrong - I don't know John Kerry personally (except for meeting him once) - but I sincerely believe that he is a man of huge heart and would be open to reconciliation. It would be a good start to healing many wounds.
If nothing else, it would affirm your credibility and integrity for you to admit your mistake and attempt amends. I am pleading with you to do so.
Maybe I'm making too much of this...but the Vietnam stuff is huge for me for a lot of reasons. Kerry was as right as anyone could be about Vietnam, and to see him slandered over it just kills me. All I really want from Webb is to admit he was wrong, and reconcile with John Kerry. I still wouldn't necessarily accept him as the best candidate for VA Senate - but at least then I could consider him a decent human being.