Here. I hope it provides a bit of cheer, and maybe something to look forward to and work for.
Some details of this are less important than others, but I hope and believe that the important details of this "future history" will happen.
(Note: This is meant for those who believe that Bush "won" by election fraud. If you don't, please don't flame... this forum doesn't need that. We'll find out who's right about that soon enough, I hope. I trust Conyers & Co. and whatever conclusions they arrive at, and if they find no evidence that the election picked the wrong person, I'll eat crow. I don't think that'll be the case, but I'm willing to admit being wrong. And if that doesn't take ** down, something else will. :))
Summer 2005: Senators Kerry and Lautenberg co-author voting accountability acts. The Repugs get them temporarily shelved by attaching pork and undesirable riders that no one wants to vote for. The Dems sigh and bide their time. (The Lefty Freepers go off the deep end.)
October 2005: The Conyers investigation of Ohio concludes. A forensic analysis of the computers and ballots determines that there was Election Night hacking, pre-election rigging, and fake ballots in several locations in Ohio, and that the criminal activity swung the election. The "exploratory" investigations then home in on New Mexico and Florida, and a criminal investigation of Ohio begins to examine who did it.
Early 2006: "The Conyers Commission" finds the culprits, and they have links to Rove and Blackwell. Blackwell resigns. Meanwhile the New Mexico investigation turns up the suspected "pre-setting" of the DREs to Bush, as well as other fraud, and the Florida investigation finds that a program similar to Clint Curtis's prototype was used "to control the vote in South Florida." Representatives Tom Feeney and Katherine Harris immediately resign, but refuse to speak to the press.
Summer 2006: Rove is subpoenaed and testifies under oath. His testimony puts Cheney under suspicion. Kerry and Lautenberg resubmit their bill, cleansed of all extraneous crap, and it passes this time because the Republicans in Congress are scared, in Cover-Your-Ass mode, don't want to look like they are in on the fraud, and are sniping big-time at the Administration. The Kerry-Lautenberg Act is fast-tracked, especially in the three "Orange States," in time for the midterm elections.
Late 2006: Dems sweep the midterm elections, the first reasonably clean ones since 1998.
Early 2007: Rove is convicted of conspiracy in election fraud. Bush, stupid as ever, issues a pardon. Cheney isn't convicted of anything, but he mysteriously seems to lose a lot of clout in Washington. The de facto leaders of the government are now Majority Leader Reid, Minority Leader McCain, Senator Kerry, Senator Clinton, and Speaker of the House Conyers (OK, some elements of this are pure fantasy! :))
Summer 2007: Kickoff of Campaign 2008. The Republicans are in the midst of a bloodbath between the moderates and traditional conservatives (led by Spector, Giuliani, McCain, and a self-centered Schwarzenegger whom everyone sees through), and the remnants of the neoconservatives (led by Condi Rice and Jeb Bush, who has somehow managed to stay clean so far). The Democrats are having a friendly battle between the Kerrycrats and the Clintonites--between the future and the past, if you will.
Late 2007: Schwarzenegger again calls for a Constitutional amendment that would allow him to become president. That doesn't help the GOP's prospects or standing.
Early 2008: Kerry emerges as the Democratic nominee. Meanwhile, in the GOP tent, McCain refuses to run against his friend Kerry--or it's rumored that they cut a deal involving a Cabinet seat. Pandering Giuliani screws up by defending the non-Fraudgate record of the neocons, but he doesn't leave the race. Spector runs his standard inept campaign, sees the writing on the wall, and quits. Rice, being associated with the Bushies, can't muster ratings above 30% or so and quits. Jeb Bush's ratings are even lower--he is widely suspected as having been a conspirator in the Florida scandal and that his brother protected him--but he bullheadedly stays in. So it's a fight between Giuliani and Jeb, two candidates that nobody likes.
Late Spring, 2008: A severely PO'ed player in the Florida end of Fraudgate backstabs Jeb, ending his political career. Giuliani emerges as the GOP nominee, but he is DOA and knows it. Fundamentalists--who, through all of this, still only care about gays, abortion, and mandated religious indoctrination--go nuts (well, further nuts) and swear that they won't vote. A wacko fundamentalist runs as the Constitution or Reform Party candidate and makes them backtrack on their promise.
November 2008: Do I even have to say? OK, details.... Kerry 54%, Giuliani 30%, Random Nutjob 16%.
January 2009: Bush leaves office, yielding the White House to the very person he defrauded. He is disgraced beyond any possible disgrace that might have come his way had he done the honest thing four years earlier. Having rejected the chance to be called merely a failure, like his father, he made a deal with the devil to get a second term and is now paying for it by being placed beneath Nixon in crookedness and corruption.
Oh yes--and the best part. ;) The FreeRepublic goes into major meltdown mode--because, through it all, they defended Bush and the neocon philosophy, disbelieved (and STILL disbelieve) in Fraudgate, supported Rice and/or Jeb, disliked Giuliani, but didn't necessarily want to support Mr. Nutjob because not all were Fundies. They're fractured, disgruntled, angry with the crash-and-burn of the Neoconservative movement, and they truly believe that their Preznit was wrongly "convicted" in the court of public opinion by the Democrats. They and their ilk are cast out of mainstream American politics for good.