Hello everyone! I've been taking a break from the blogs, but then I received a call yesterday from D.C. that I wanted to share with you all. Here's the story. After the Alito filibuster attempt failed, I had read here on DU that it would be a good idea to send a thank you note to the good Senator from Massachusetts and a check to his favorite charity, the USO. I immediately wrote a note and wrote out a check for $30 payable to the USO in with the note. Because of the whole anthrax scare, it took this long for the Senate office to receive my note. And much to my embarrassment, that check is against Senate ethic rules! The staffer, who was very nice, called me to ask what he should do with the check, so I told him he could shred it. After blushing to myself for an hour after the call, I realized how funny the whole thing is with imagined headlines: "Virginia homemaker takes down U.S. senator with unseemly $30 check to the USO!!". Now I realize that what would have been best was to tell him in the note, that I sent money to the USO inspired by him. I'm probably the only idiot here to misunderstand that the check shouldn't be sent directly to the Senator, but just in case, this story serves as an FYI that you should not send ANY gifts, even to charity, directly to a politician. I would say even the chocolates probably might be off limits if I am understanding this "no gift" policy now passed into law.
I have been lurking a little, and want to thank you all for the posts about Webb -- unbelievable how the "liberal" Kossaks are fawning all over a . . . Republican. I'm still not going to be posting a lot, while I catch up on my reading, plus I think that my last few posts a couple of weeks ago were pointless, which was a signal that I needed a break. Hopefully, anyone annoyed from my posts will maybe understand that I was a little burnt out! Even though I'm taking a mini-break from the blogs, I still need a JK fix here and there and it's just great that I can come over here, get a download of a Kerry radio interview, and listen to it! Thanks again, guys, for the great service you do here!