The points highlighted echo everything Kerry has been calling for.
From the press release on Clark's address:
How do we get there?
This week I stood with united Democrats from the House and the Senate, and with our nation's first responders and veterans, to unveil a national security agenda that will give Americans the real security they expect and deserve. After all, security is the first promise of any government, and Democrats mean to help deliver it. The plan is smart and tough: strong troops, great equipment, and the kind of smart policies the men and women serving our nation deserve: Here are some of the highlights:
In Iraq, we would make this the decisive year - to bring together an Iraqi government that includes the Sunni sect, delegitimates the insurgency, ends the sectarian grip in the Defense and Interior Ministries and amends the Iraqi constitution to meet the needs of ALL Iraqis, not just the Shia majority, then responsibly redeploy American troops
We'll redouble our efforts against Osama Bin Laden and his network, strengthening cooperation with allies in the region, doubling the size of our Special Forces and we'll initiate new policies to halt the proliferation of nuclear weapons and biological weapons.
To protect our homeland, we'll screen 100 percent of the containers and inbound cargoes, and we'll provide our first responders with the resources and cutting-edge technology they need.
To reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we'll increase production of alternate fuels from America's heartland, promote hybrid and flex fuel vehicle technology, and enhance conservation incentives.
And to strengthen our military we'll invest in manpower and equipment to project power wherever needed, strengthening our national guard, guaranteeing that our troops have the protective gear and training they need, and enacting a GI Bill Of Rights so that our troops will receive the pay, health care, and other benefits they have earned and deserve. Kerry's 10-point plan:
(6) Find Osama bin Laden, and Secure our ports and homeland.
(7) Stop subsidizing “Big Oil,” and start investing in energy alternatives.
All laid out here:
John Kerry Responds to State of the Union Address: Bush “Described a Fantasyland”