Russert Watch: Tough-Talkin' Tim...on the 2004 Election
Rachel Sklar
The smackdown post:
Did you and I watch the same MTP this a.m.?! What is it with you and Arianna -- always looking at Kerry with that tainted lense, never really hearing what he's saying and, from your comments, having written him off before you even tuned in. What kind of objective journalism is that? I recommend that people tune in to see for themselves. You gave them the link for rebroadcast, I believe. Others have posted what you missed here, but I just want to add that it's unfair to your readers when you haven't done your homework. You wind up repeating what other pundits you admire have spouted, instead of taking a hard, fresh look. It's not about the length of your detailed article, it's about the preconceived notions you went in with. What a letdown -- YOU not KERRY!
By: connie on April 09, 2006 at 09:22pm