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John Kerry Talks Immigration At South L.A. School
(CBS) LOS ANGELES Sen. John Kerry discussed immigration reform at a South Los Angeles school Monday, hours before thousands of people were expected to take part in another march downtown in support of immigrant rights.
The 2004 Democratic presidential nominee told students at South Los Angeles High School that he supports the immigration reform plan put forth by Republican Sens. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Mel Martinez of Florida.
"I believe in a balance," Kerry said. "Our borders do have to mean something, ladies and gentlemen. In the age of 9/11, it is important to know who's crossing your borders."
On Monday, Kerry urged students not to blame his fellow Democrats. "We need leadership from the president, a bipartisan basis, to hold together a compromise," he said. "It is critical that this be resolved now. It should not be held out as a hostage to any political process for any political party."
The senator from Massachusetts visited the South Los Angeles high school as part of a daylong tour of Rep. Xavier Becerra's congressional district. The Los Angeles Democrat supports efforts to legalize undocumented immigrants.
"When you have 500,000 people knocking at your door, there's a consequence if you don't listen," Becerra said.
Thousands of people were expected to attend a candlelight vigil and procession scheduled Monday through downtown Los Angeles to urge lawmakers to make it easier for undocumented immigrants to become citizens.