Hence, his spate of recent moves: The Arizonan used to vote against President Bush's tax cuts; now he's voting for them. He said during the 2000 campaign that the Rev. Jerry Falwell was an "agent of intolerance," but now he's showing respect by speaking May 13 at Falwell's college. He has softened his earlier opposition to a federal amendment banning gay marriage. He used to punt on the issue of teaching creationism, but now he endorses it. He has hired a former senior Bush operative whose name turned up in Tom DeLay's money-laundering indictment.
http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/inquirer/news/nation/14354464.htm?source=rss&channel=inquirer_nationFalwell told C-N-N's "Late Edition" that former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is unlikely to gain evangelical support for the same reason. He said, "As conservative Christians who take the Bible seriously, we have probably irreconcilable differences on life and family."
But Falwell praised Senator John McCain as "pro-life" and "a strong conservative" whose "view on family is just where most conservative Christians' views are."
McCain has agreed to speak at Falwell's Liberty University commencement next month.