Sully's been in England for a couple of weeks, so I sent him a nice e-mail, complimenting his lovely village in Sussex he comes from, and then told him that Kerry had given a brilliant speech. I gave him links, but also used the excerpts that BLM had posted on GD. Well, Sully liked it, and used it for his quote of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, April 25, 2006
Quote for the Day
"The true defeatists today are not those who call for recognizing the facts on the ground in Iraq. The true defeatists are those who believe America is so weak that it must sacrifice its principles to the pursuit of illusory power.
The true pessimists today are not those who know that America can handle the truth about the Administration's boastful claim of 'Mission Accomplished' in Iraq. The true pessimists are those who cannot accept that America's power and prestige depend on our credibility at home and around the world. The true pessimists are those who do not understand that fidelity to our principles is as critical to national security as our military power itself.
And the most dangerous defeatists, the most dispiriting pessimists, are those who invoke September 11th to argue that our traditional values are a luxury we can no longer afford," - John Kerry, last Saturday, uttering the words he never found when it mattered. I guess the 2004 focus-groups told him to stay silent. But better late then never.
I would put his snark in only a mid range -- worse has been said on DU and dKos about JK or Joe Klein for that matter. And . . . his blog is a high traffic blog on the Time magazine website. So that goes for everyone -- e-mail media/pundits/bloggers who you think might like what he said in that speech. You never know where you're going to find allies who will give props to our fine senator.