It was my understanding that Kerry was undecided for the wind farm, but opposed to the amendment in the Coastguard bill.
Today, AP reports that April Boyd said that Kerry was undecided on the two issues.
On Capitol Hill, an amendment targeting the Cape Wind Associates project was quietly slipped into the $8.7 billion Coast Guard reauthorization bill that could doom the wind farm. The measure was approved by a House-Senate conference committee earlier this month. It is unclear when the House and Senate will vote on the measure.
U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, was a key backer of the amendment. The measure gives veto power over the project to the governor of Massachusetts.
Kerry is still reviewing the bill and has not reached any decision.
"We're studying the conference report," Boyd said. "No vote has been scheduled yet."
Does anybody know what the story is?
Original article stating Kerry's position
While U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is not a member of the conference, he urged colleagues this week to allow the Cape Wind review to follow its course without the added hurdle being debated in Washington.