And that this will be both bad and good. The environment in politics is what it is. You can't change it unless you power. You can't take power unless you get elected. You can't get elected unless you play by the current rules.
The Kerry people know this now. I think the *real* Kerry people knew it then.
I still remember this that came about after the '04 election and it gave me a big happy.
Boston Globe, THIRD, Sec. Metro/Region, p B1 12-11-2004
By Globe Staff Frank Phillips
The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, facing the wrath of state Democratic leaders, yesterday canceled the contract of a Washington, D.C., public relations firm that during the presidential campaign worked for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group that attacked John F. Kerry's Vietnam war record.
A spokesman for the authority last night said the agency had decided that it no longer needed the services of Creative Response Concepts and its senior vice president Mike Russell, after just three weeks on the job. Russell handled the firm's work for the swift boat veterans, whose multimillion-dollar ad blitz in battleground states was a key element in undercutting Kerry's candidacy.
In a statement that reflects the deep bitterness about the swift boat group's tactics, a Kerry spokesman blasted the decision to hire Russell and his firm, calling it "just the latest breathtakingly stupid decision by the Republicans in charge of the Big Dig."
"Do they have so little respect for Massachusetts taxpayers that they believe the answer to years of waste, fraud, and abuse is to lavish more taxpayer money on a discredited partisan hack to spin the Big Dig?" said David Wade, Kerry's press aide, after the news circulated that the firm had lost the contract. "Will the taxpayers get a refund? Add this to the list of serious questions Matt Amorello must answer before the only reasonable verdict is that, like Mike Russell, he doesn't have a shred of credibility left."
This gave me a big happy because it reflects what James Boyce was talking about the other day in his Huffington Post column:
4. The Republican Medusa Will Do Anything To Win.
Destroy your service record? Check. Jam the phones? Bingo. Fight a recount? No question about it. You'd think that everyone who considers running as a Democrat would understand that the Republicans play to f'ing win, and that's all there is to it.
But Democrats who haven't faced the evil, don't. I had the chance to spend a few private moments with one of our top 2006 Senate candidates, someone who is going to get hammered post Labor Day, he was, and remains oblivious to the venom he is about to face. When asked how he was doing, he replied with a laundry list of consultants and strategists and pollsters.
I sat down with one of the other top candidates for 2008 at a private dinner recently. He's a good man, and intelligent. He doesn't know what he is getting into - he can't. He will not be able to win the war ahead because he doesn't understand the terms of engagement.
One of his advisors told me about sitting next to and chatting with one of the strategists who organized the Swift Boat campaign, I was shocked. You don't sit next to these people and break bread. You castrate them and force feed them their privates and don't think twice about it.
Al Gore and John Kerry have seen the worst of what the Republicans will do. Would you prefer a candidate who knows that? Or one who has to learn for him or herself - at our expense?
I loved reading that more than anything else in the last year.