Got this in the old e-mail today. I'm sepcial, I get state-specific e-mail. Ha HA!
Looking back on the 2004 Campaign, one of the things I am most proud of is the support and dedication we received from our friends in Massachusetts. Thank you for everything you did for our campaign. Starting in the primaries right up until election day, so many of you gave hours of your time, your money and your enthusiasm towards achieving our shared vision of a stronger America and it really made a difference. We will always be grateful for what you did.
While we did not reach our goal, we still have much to be proud of.
With your critical help, we were able to swing New Hampshire, a state that voted for Bush in 2000, into the blue column because so many of you traveled there to join up with our great New Hampshire team to knock on doors and phone the homes of undecided Granite State voters. We can be proud too that while we were in New Hampshire canvassing and phoning for the Presidential campaign, we joined forces with Democrat John Lynch's Gubernatorial campaign and added great strength to their successful effort to defeat Republican incumbent Governor Craig Benson. And again, thanks to those of you who traveled many hours to Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and dozens of other states on our bus trips or on your own. Our Massachusetts team blazed an impressive trail.
But our work is not done. Here, in Massachusetts, we have many important battles to fight in the next several years, beginning with reelecting Ted Kennedy to the United States Senate and winning back the governor's seat in 2006. The Massachusetts Democratic Party needs your help to build a winning field operation all across the state and to help ensure statewide victories in 2006. A state party is only as strong as the grassroots leaders it develops and deploys. We learned first hand in the last election how important it is to have vibrant strong state parties 365 days a year, every year, and not just during the peak of the campaign cycle.
I encourage you to stay involved in the Massachusetts Democratic party by attending your local caucuses taking place between January 29th and February 12th. These events are important venues where your participation will add strength to the Party's efforts and impact the direction it will take statewide. They will also help shape the direction our State takes as we identify key issues and key fights to organize around.
If you need any assistance in locating Democratic Party caucuses in your area, please contact David Howard, Massachusetts Democratic party Volunteer Coordinator at 617-472-0637 or by email at david.howard@massdems.org or go to www.massdems.org to sign up for their volunteer list and e-mail list serve.
What you did during my campaign made an enormous difference and we can keep on making a difference in people's lives by staying together and fighting. Join the three million people on line at johnkerry.com and make a difference today through our active campaigns on foreign policy and chidlren's health care.
We will also continue to work to support Democratic candidates, parties and causes across the country starting in the elections of 2005 and 2006. And once again we will call on our friends in Massachusetts to help. We will be in touch in coming weeks with specific ways you can keep on making such a critical difference for Massachusetts, for our country and for the values and vision we share.
With deepest gratitude,
John Kerry