Je ne suis pas certaine je peux écrire en francais ce soir, je vais essayer mais j'ai pleuré jusq'ua toute la journée, et je suis trés fatigué. Les mots de Thomas Jefferson que j'ai posté, tout a changé pour moi depuis hier soir. J'ai lit un livre s'appelle "The Age of Oil is Over" de Matt Savinar. C'est trop de discuter ici, mais si tu t'intéresses, lis le "Peak Oil" groupe ici à DU, ou lis ces pages Web: ou je comprends pourquoi les EU ont tué plus de 100,000 Iraqis civils innocents dans une guerre illégale et ignoble. Je comprends pourquoi maintenant j'habite dans un pays fasciste, ou un gouvernement democratique n'existe plus, ou l'election en novembre a été volée, et les citoyens noirs ne peuvent pas voter. Avant d'aujourd'hui, j'ai su tout ces choses, mais j'ai pensé c'est au cause d'argent et avidité. J'ai pensé peut-etre les democrats peuvent gagner, avec John Kerry, contre les riches. Maintenant, je pense c'est de peu importance. Kerry va continuer la guerre la meme si * . Les entreprises supre-riches multinationales vont posséder encore le Congrés et la justice. Prends garde en France!
Bon, peut-etre tu connais mes valeurs un peu plus. Tu sais trés bien je ne peux pas parler pour quelqu'un d'autre de ses valeurs. Mais, souviens-toi, les journaux Americains n'ecrivent plus les nouvelles, ils ecrivent la propagande. La premiere chose on a besoin d'arreter dans un pays fasciste est la presse libre. Quand on lit des etats rouge et bleu, c'est merde.
En Anglais, maintenant? Most states votes were 1/2 for * and 1/2 for Kerry, but we don't even know for sure, because there was so much fraud, and with the electronic voting machines, the vote disappears into thin air. Sorry to be talking American politics again, if you're bored.
I never know when I'm speaking French if I'm supposed to be saying à qqch or de qqch either.::-):
So to conclude my rant, America is totally fucked, and she is hell-bent on fucking over the rest of the world for the last drop of oil. Anyone who says anything about it, like me, (if they're American) can be arrested under the lovely "Patriot Act" of 2001, thrown in prison without a trial, without being charged with a crime, tortured, and not permitted to talk to a lawyer. Writing to you is now a crime, under the Patriot Act; parce que je parle avec un étranger. If you're not American and you speak up, you'll just be murdered; unless you're European - then the U.S. can't get away with it. It's the U.S. GOVERNMENT that hates that France spoke up against the Iraq war, not the AMERICAN PEOPLE (except crazy Repugs, but they are the minority, for now). You hear "Oh Americans hate French" in the newspapers because the press is controlled by the White House.
I'm almost completely of French descent (Louisiana Creole). Believe me I will hear it (and I'll say "go fuck yourself") when someone is talking smack about French people - but it's VERY rare. Really. I dated a Parisian for a bit who has lived here 16 years, and I asked him how bad it was for him - and he said no one ever said anything ugly to him - even right after the Iraq invasion. At that time, all you read in the papers was smack (nasty things) about France.
Now * is a little prick, and I'm sure personally he hates the French, but he's an asshole. And I LOVE that Chirac HATES that smug smirking idiot chimp. I don't understand how Tony Blair can stand B*.
I believe that is the answer to your question - why is the U.S.A. moving so far away from it's allies in Europe? The press tells you its "values". It's not values. It's oil, the last remaining oil in the world.
If I wrote something in French that doesn't make sense, please tell me.:hi: Salut. Desolé si je parle trop. Je suis en colere aujord'hui.