Our parish in Sydney is very progressive, and our parish priest often did things a bit differently. He had wine as well as bread at the Eucharist, held a 2nd Reconciliation Rite for the community during Lent, and often instead of the Creed, would have a question and answer (like that at Baptism) - do you believe...? etc. He was continually being called in to explain himself to the Cardinal. When asked how the Cardinal knew what was happening in his diocese, he said simply "Opus Dei". Apparently they go round to different churches and sit up the back to watch and make sure that everything is run the way they like it, and if it's not, they run back to the archbishop, and tell tales. I don't like that kind of underhanded- ness, and besides, if the parish like the way things are, that's what's important; it's up to them to complain if they don't. Oh, we also had girls as altar servers before it was officially allowed (my daughter was the first).
And guess what? Our priest was recently moved up to Queensland, and the curate, also very progressive, was moved to Melbourne. Nobody believes they weren't split up deliberately. We now have two new priests who are very safe, and quite boring. It will be interesting to see if attendances drop off in what has always been a very vibrant parish.