Thanks for the link! I especially got a kick out of the Name-U-Lator, where you try to guess what will influence the next pope's choice of a papal name for himself. I guessed he'd just choose one of the most common -- but not too recently used --names, like Leo, Benedict, or Gregory. They said he'd have bigger things on his mind than mere popularity so I set out trying to figure out what they thought would matter. For example, did they think the next pope will choose a name to reflect his progressive agenda?
(And I quote:)
Name-U-Lator Result for: Progressive Agenda
Look. Why don't you people give up?
If you want priestesses, gay marriage, contraception, abortion, euthanasia, a 4th person in the Divine Trinity or whatever floats your boat, just join a Protestant Church.
If you want to stick with plain old Christianity, you are going to have to face the fact that the Pope is the guardian of the Deposit of Faith. He can't just make up a new dogma when he feels like it. He can't ordain ladies, nor can he reverse the constant Church teaching against contraception and abortion. It's just not going to happen.
For a progressive name, the choice is John XXIV. John Paul II was actually the most "progressive" Pope in history, far more "progressive" than John XXIII. But, John XXIII is romanticized as some sort of liberal guy. If you take the time to read what he wrote, it will immediately become obvious to you that this notion is hooey.
NATURALLY, I couldn't wait to see what the answer would be if I guessed that the next pope will favor a conservative agenda. Here it is:
Name-U-Lator Result for: Conservative Agenda
Look. Why don't you people give up?
If you want a return to the bankrupt pseudo culture of the 50's, your dreams are unlikely to come true.
Certainly the next Pontiff will continue to guard and espouse the perpetual teaching of the Church. Meanwhile, the renewed liturgy, the intent of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, and the legitimate theological developments of the 20th Century will not be rescinded or denied. Nostalgists and reactionaries might never be quite satisfied with anything less than a total, wholesale, and official repudiation by the Magisterium of these things. Fortunately, such a thing is not possible.
For a conservative agenda, the choice is Pius XIII. For the next pontificate, this will not be the chosen name.
On the other hand, despite recently mongered calumnies against him, Pius XII was roundly viewed as a wise, brave and generous benefactor during and after wartime. There will be more Pope Pius', just not in the next Papacy.
I kinda think both answers are right and we'll get a rather moderate pope. But I'm still betting he'll call himself Leo, Benedict, Gregory, maybe even Clement.