A few years ago when my brother was married, I stepped into the church of my childhood for the first time in over 20 years.
As a kid, it was typical French-gothic style.
The tile (marble? terrazzo?) floor had been replaced / covered with a rug. The Baptistery was gone, converted to an office or something, and the font had been moved to the back of the nave. The mahogany pews were replaced with a lighter colored wood, and my general impression of the changes was that the interior now resembled a Protestant church more than anything.
This winter I've attended two weddings in Catholic churches, here in the South. One seemed pretty gothic, but brighter. The other had abandoned that altogether and had a very Roman / classical style interior. The bigger difference between the two was the music. One had a traditional organ, the other had a band with a singer who's style and presentation reminded me of the feel-good contemporary music you here with the mega-churches.
My question: when did the RC church start chasing the Protestant demo?