Christians" to mean DUers who are Roman Catholic (but also Marionite, American Catholic, etc.) and also DUers who are members of one of the Eastern Rite churches, whether Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, whatever. I intended for "Catholic" and "Orthodox" to be adjectives modifying the noun "Christian," and specifying that these are non-Protestant Christians who trace their faith back to the first century A.D., to the original Christians. It's historic fact that the Roman Catholic Church was THE Christian church for centuries, with the Eastern Rites being the first Christians to split off from Rome's authority. I intended to refer to those who follow the teachings of the oldest churches because of our similarities of belief as well as our similar liturgical practices.
Some immediately asked me why I left out Episcopalians, who are Anglo-Catholics. My immediate reaction was surprise because most Episcopalians I know consider themselves Protestants, though Henry VIII set up the Church of England before Martin Luther wrote his 99 theses and the Anglican/ Episcopal Churches are more Catholic in liturgy and structure than any other Protestants. There are doctrinal differences, though, about theological issues like the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, differences about the priesthood (they allow priests to marry, as do the Eastern rites, but they also allow women to become priests) and differences about social teachings (they endorse contraception, abortion, same sex marriage.) BUT, having said all that, I know that some Episcopalians consider themselves Anglo-Catholics. Those that do are more than welcome to join us. I understand your concern that people will misunderstand our group because of its name. The main reason they should know that we're not right wing Christians is that we're a DU group! In using the term "Orthodox Christian," I assumed that DUers are well informed enough to have a general idea of what is meant by the phrase. I think fewer will have heard the terms"Eastern Rite Catholics" or "Eastern Rite Christians," though I may be wrong about that. Earlier, we did have posters here who identified themselves as members of other than the Roman rite. Now that we're past the introductory phase, posters aren't mentioning their rite.
In the statement about the purpose of the group, I tried to make it clear that we would be inclusive of anyone wishing to engage in respectful dialogue about Catholicism and/or issues of interest to Catholics, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack of one. While debate is welcomed, I also made it clear that this was a forum primarily for discussions between Catholics and wasn't to be a forum to attack Catholic belief. That statement was approved by a majority of those who had indicated they were interested in participating in the group before I submitted it to Skinner for approval. It -- the statement -- is still pinned at the top of the group, under a post by Skinner welcoming people to the group, so anyone curious about the group can read the statement. Also, anyone can read all the threads here and see what our perspective is.
Hope that helps.