The assistant pastor started out with a perfectly nice sermon on conversion. It was postcard Sunday after all, and I feared the worst.
Just when I started to relax, he began to rail about "converting" those who were pro-abortion, comparing abortion to slavery, the holocaust, etc.
THEN he had the ushers hand out postcards, asked everyone to fill them out at that very moment (I refused), and finally asked the ushers to collect the cards and give them to him. Then he stood at his chair and shot murderous glances around the church; the cards collected only made a small stack.
I honestly think many more people would be willing to at least consider taking action if he'd handled it differently. I didn't attend the 9:30 mass, which the pastor celebrated, and in my experience the pastor isn't nearly so judgemental on these matters.
The assistant pastor is fresh out of the seminary, and very conservative in his views. He managed to work an anti-gay marriage mention into every sermon (I'm getting tired of it), and I suspect he voted for McCain. He seemed quite pissed off after the election.
The pastor, OTOH, has been anti-Bush long before being anti-Bush was cool. I always loved how he worked subtle criticisms of the Iraq War and American Imperialism into his homilies. (He's more of a Vatican II guy.) However, this assistant pastor is taking a bigger and bigger role, and it may be time for me to bid this parish goodbye.