Nothing of a sexual impropriety has appeared, nor is expected to exist, in the massive correspondence between Karol Wojtyla and Dr Poltawska from 1956 to 2005.
So what lies behind the Vatican's alarm? Why, too, has the cardinal of Cracow and former private secretary, Stanislaw Dziwisz, so stridently criticized Dr Poltawska's decision to publish, saying she did not have a special link to the Pope, a claim that is contradicted by Monsignor Adam Boniecki, who edited the Polish edition of the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano.
This literary treasure trove of letters also contains material which will cast light on John Paul's staunch opposition to artificial methods of birth control.
A further twist to this spiritual relationship is given by papal biographer Jonathan Kwitny, who writes that Wanda's beliefs that contraception led to neurosis were not backed up by scientifically verifiable data, and that she was involved with extreme right-wing Catholic groups that propagated the view that contraception was as intrinsically evil as abortion.'ve been wondering at all the fuss over the correspondence with Dr. Poltawska. I ascribed it to routine Vatican misogyny with a touch of contempt for any lay person. Now it appears that there may be information in the correspondence calling into question the source for the official teachings on birth control.