Edited on Sun Dec-27-09 07:49 PM by Joe Chi Minh
used to refer to as the World. Those types are no loss, nor their circle. Some kind of marginalisation(s) should be the lot of all Christians.
From the Christian point of view, I think, for instance, that the fall of Communism in Poland vitiated the faith there, as it had required courage, faith to persevere, while having considerable career-advancement closed to them.
Wordly ambition seems to have become viewed as a particularly admirable Christian virtue, but it was not always so. In fact, it is condemned as a particualrly pernicious vice in both the gospels and the Epistles; and tradition is not supposed to contradict Scripture.
Of course, to use one's skills optimally, as far as circumstances permit (allowing for opposition from hostile worldlings), for the glory of God, is only right and proper, but that is really another matter. To be thwarted then would be rightly accepted as providential.
Racism is of course always ugly, but there are far, far more people in every country and in the world itself who like the Irish than there those who hate them. His ugly enemies are the hapless minority!