Edited on Thu Dec-31-09 07:02 PM by hedgehog
Friends of the family were just married today in a Catholic ceremony sans Mass. Although the parish has a fantastic deacon, the pastor performed the ceremony (emphasis on performed!) After a 25 minute sermon, the vows and blessing and exchange of rings, he whipped out a golden handkerchief, compared it his own golden stole, and tied their hands together, telling them it was an old Catholic custom!
This was not discussed with the couple beforehand. If a couple wanted to do this, I wouldn't mind. It's just that this priest has a habit of making shit up and pulling stuff out of his ass without regard for anyone else in the community. He thinks that because he went to seminary 40 years ago, he knows more about religion than anyone else around. He devoted the sermon on December 12 this year to announcing that that day was the Feast of John the Baptist and bemoaning the fact that we in America don't celebrate the day with bonfires as they do in Europe and Quebec. The Feast of John the Baptist is June 24 and the lighting of bon fires is a remnant of pagan fertility rites! After sending out a letter that week urging us to donate more to the parish so it could better serve our immigrant community, he totally ignored the Feast of Guadalupe!