ranking it alongside child sexual abuse.
And here's the reply from the Women's Ordination Conference:
"Washington, DC - "The Vatican's decision list women’s ordination in the same category as pedophiles and rapists is appalling, offensive, and a wake-up call for all Catholics around the world. This new canonical declaration which names women's ordination as a serious crime against the Roman Catholic Church is medieval at best. The idea that a woman seeking to spread the message of God somehow "defiles" the Eucharist reveals an antiquated, backwards Church that still views women as "unclean" and unholy."
http://www.womensordination.org/content/view/315/42/They have an online petition against the ruling; it's worldwide, so I've signed it. If you agree that this pronouncement is medieval, please think about adding your name.
Women – the religious, the laity, married, unmarried, mothers and sisters and daughters, make up more than half the church's population. How dare they rank us with criminals!