DETROIT -- Famed theologian Fr. Hans Kung has called for a “peaceful” revolution by world Catholics against the absolutism of papal power.
He made the call in a video message June 10, the first evening of a conference in Detroit of the American Catholic Council.
“I think few people realize how powerful the pope is,” Kung said, likening papal power today to the absolute power of French monarchs that the French people revolted against in 1789.
“We have to change an absolutist system without the French Revolution,” he said. “We have to have peaceful change.”'m so heartened to hear this, in light of the sacking of Bishop Morris of Toowoomba, and many others that I've recently learnt of, and the institution of the new Mass translation (or more accurately, the reinstitution of the old translantion).
In our little discussion group after Mass on Sundays, (one of our number dubbed us the St Mary's Revolutionary Wing)there's no doubt that we all feel very strongly that the Church is marching backwards, but we just don't know what we lay people can do about it.
There is a creeping authoritarianism and absolutism coming into the Church - how strange that it has come from two popes who grew up under two of the most repressive regimes in modern times; you might think they'd want to go in the opposite direction.
Do read this article; it's very interesting and extremely encouraging to know that there are obviously many who are disquieted with the direction of the current regime, although the problem is still what can be done to reverse it.