i think that anyone admitted to a psyche ward should be required by law to have a sleep test. i think that every person who suffers from serious depression should have a sleep test. apnea is not the only disorder, but it is sure the most common. sleep depravation is THE most treatable cause of depression. it is damn criminal that anyone would be treated with big time meds, or would have an awful life without considering this possibility. here they are building fancy new sleep units everywhere. hope this spreads.
all that said, c-pap is a pain. mine is not doing me all that much good, but i have some other issues that i am dealing with. nonetheless, i have been using like a good girl for a couple months now, and i can deal with it. DH needs one, and he is downright freaked out by it. claustrophobic. that is the number one barrier, right there. i think taking a little ambien, like i do, does help. don't think the docs know that trick yet.
good luck to you. hope that treatment is effective, and not too annoying.