A couple who I am friends with moved out to the west coast about 5 years ago, but I still hear from them from time to time, and always at Christmas. The female half of the couple has a mental illness that is similar to the one I have and she has struggled with it for a long time. She would sometimes call me when she was really having trouble because she knew I would understand and she trusted me. She does not trust many men. Just her father, husband, and me as far as I can tell. And if me and her husband had not grown up together, she probably wouldn't trust me much, either, mental illnesses in common or not. I don't know the reason for that. I've thought for a while now that she may have been sexually assaulted in some way and that trauma manifests itself as a part of her illness, feeding her paranoia. But I really don't know and I'm not going to ask.
The last time I had talked to her before yesterday was probably about 6 months ago and she was having trouble with her psychiatrist who was a man. She said he had asked her inappropriate questions about her sex life and she was afraid to go back to see him again. She thought he might drug her and sexually assault her. Going back to that doctor wasn't an option. If you can't trust your shrink you can forget about it. I didn't know whether she was dealing with reality or not. The doctor had been tinkering with her meds so something wasn't right. That's when I had an idea. I told her to go see a female doctor.
I hadn't heard from her since then until last night. She had followed my advice and said she felt a lot better. She said her new doctor agreed that the other doctor's questions were inappropriate. I think that confirmation was very important. She started her on new meds and got the dosages worked out. She said she felt great and she sounded happier than I've ever heard her sound. I didn't think to ask if there was anything being done about the other doctor or if anything can be done.
I don't think I need anymore presents. The rest of this holiday season for me will be icing on the cake.