Changes proposed to key psychiatry manual Controversial revision alters diagnostic definitions.
Heidi Ledford
The American Psychiatric Association is unveiling a host of suggested changes to its influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Proposed revisions include uniting several autism-related diagnoses, including Asperger's syndrome and Rett's syndrome, under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorder; introducing a diagnosis of gambling addiction; and eliminating the distinction between alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse.
The proposals, to be posted to the association's website ( on 10 February, will be open for public comment until 20 April. In July, the association will begin testing the changes in academic centres and hospitals by asking psychiatrists to feed back on how their work would be different using the new diagnoses. The revised manual, known as DSM-V because it is the fifth edition, is to be released in May 2013.
One new proposal that concerns Volkmar is the decision to lump autism-related disorders into a single category called 'autism spectrum disorder'. The changes reflect recent autism research, he says, but he is concerned that the change was proposed without adequately considering its social ramifications. A diagnosis of 'autism' is often required to obtain social services such as access to special education programmes. "I worry that there'll be some potential for diluting the pool of services for children really in need," says Volkmar.
Other proposed changes run the gamut from eliminating the term 'mental retardation' — to be replaced with a new 'intellectual disability' category — to introducing diagnoses such as 'psychosis risk syndrome' and 'mild neurocognitive disorder', which are designed to catch patients in the early stages of a disorder. Early diagnosis could help target patients for early intervention, says William Carpenter, chair of the psychotic disorders work group and director of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center in Baltimore.