He ended up going awol,taking the 25 yr old client with him. She ended up on a psych unit,as for the nazi,he's in jail. The client who ran with him is back at the prp,and I hear the story,another client lost 40 bucks,and it was a nightmare.
Today I went to a conference on trauma aware psych care.They used the ACES STUDY!!! They were saying some of the same stuff I have been writing about for I dunno how long.
Anyway,the lady(forgot her name)but she has alot of degrees,speaking and running this thing was amazing.At the first break I was so happy, I told her I knew about the aces study too and have been writing online about these issues for awhile,and I asked to hug her because I didn't feel like I was alone yelling into a tornado for once. She blew my gourd when she told us she wanted my BF and I to get on board with them, she said they need people who are experinced in trauma/ gender issues and alternative cultures to be part of trying to educate therapists PRP's and whatever else there is in treatment land gone awry to be trauma aware. Which means getting shrinks and programs and wardens and whoever else to understand what lateral social networks create instead of relying on horizontal authoritarian structures that atre a set up designed to abuse people,among tons of other stuff. I told her if the things she is talking about get understood and heard and applied it won't just totally change the psych system or the justice system, it will change the fucking world, it will change everything..Make the world worth living in.
I hope this thing is as kickass as it seems to be.