Tonight I have been badly depressed. About 2:30 am My partner and I went out for a drive.Sometimes we just drive around the empty streets in the dark with CD's on the stereo 'cause we both find doing this is soothing.We like our nocturnal ways.The bustle and garish traffic during the day stresses us out, it's too, I dunno stimulating and bright.We stopped at a Dennys for some food because I felt run down..It was all I could do not to cry into my diet coke I felt so sad.
Anyways we got out of there and on the road again,As were talking, we passed this car, it was partially off the road, no light and there was a shape of a person in it. I couldn't see the situation well no streetlights,and we were in a car going past.But it looked like they had been run off the road considering the strange angle the car was in and the fact there were no trees,no other car,no glass on the road, or rail guard thingys for her to have run into and bounced off of,the car didn't look smashed either.. So we passed and found a place to turn around,because we were going the opposite way and because I wanted to check it out,make sure everything was allright as I fished out my cellphone to call 911.. When we got there less than 2 minutes later a cop had just pulled up and he had opened the car door so the interior light was on .And I saw there was blood all over the place,it was a blonde woman and the back of her head was blown apart. The windshield was full of bullet holes?? and brain spatter??!! Yeech.. Oh shit. Than I realized we may have just missed witnessing a murder.
But it's strange, I'm very sad for the horror that unfolded there,yes,and I hope her loved ones can cope and heal and I hope they catch whoever did this, but in a weird way I envy her too. She's free of this world and all it's suffering. She will never have to see her loved ones die or suffer again,she'll never be sick again,never have her heart broken or feel pain anymore.Her body is dead.Her spirit is free.
As we drove away I sent her the kindness and spiritual protection so that she might not be distracted, manipulated or confused as she leaves this existance,so that her spirit may become as free as it chooses to be,and that the things of this world that trap spirits here cannot catch hers and force her to be reborn into another body..
Yet I live,in sadness and wait another night for my turn to go home.
I just had to talk.Thanks for being here Y'all.