However it's hard to tell because folks have also diagnosed me depression and schizophrenia. Autism is the latest one I guess. Seems to depend on my mood. I mean years ago, when I was talking to psychiatrists, they kept me for awhile and withheld cigarettes so I'm going through immense nicotine withdrawal and then they have the arrogance to diagnose me? Not to mention everything else I was going thru at that time, which they totally ignored. They said I would be unable to finish my Masters degree, which I did. If they could make such ludicrous statements then I would say they are simply wrong when it comes to me. And I'm not pissed off because I take offense at the diagnosis, but I take offense at their arrogance and the things they will do for a paycheck.
But anyway Yes I have been feeling very autistic, but I do not think I am. At least a professional so far has not investigated that. Never know though. My fiancé's aunt has Asperger's, btw, and she talks with her a lot.
It's not just a feeling of being disconnected, but actually being disconnected. Seemingly everyone else has friends, I don't. I have never had the opportunity to collect friends, and every time I tried, many times, I ended up getting rejected, ignored, or in several cases ripped off. I actually think that I am friendlier than other folks. But I look like a naive sucker because I'm nice, and eventually after years of being nice, I begin to see how other people are not nice, and I start to resent them. So I guess that's why I say it's too late. I'm in a bad spot emotionally. Based on years of experience I can't escape the effects of having a rough life. Only bad people would be my friends in the past, and nice people think there is something wrong with me.
I also tend to ramble on and bore people when I type, which can turn people off, understandably, so sorry for the long message. I'm not sure what to do. I guess I should have a goal or something.