This kind of bullshit infuriates me. People who are ignorant or being bigots, still hold stigmas against people with psychiatric injuries. The mentally ill face stigmas,but PSTD seems to be the new"they are too risky and dangerous etc.etc. Pstd,a psychiatric injury,is now a 'reason' to reject people in need of help..
I have PSTD,not from war, but from abuse and violence growing up.I have dealt with a lifetime of it.The kind of PSTD I have is "Complex PSTD" and coping with it is a daily challenge. There are lot of people who have PSTD,from abuse,bullying,natural disasters,accidents..etc.etc..and with these stupid wars it can only increase.I have faced irrational anti-PSTD bigotry from both "professionals" and laypeople, just for having PSTD. I have heard everything from: I need behavior modification, I must be faking, Just"get over it" and I must be a violent maniac or a basket case so don't expect much from me,all because I have PSTD.
Veterans can't get jobs because they might have PSTD.The Vet admin makes it very hard to get benifiets if you have PSTD.